USA Wrestling Connecticut, Inc.Click to Return to the Top of the Page
2.1 The corporation shall appoint and continuously maintain, at an address within the State of Connecticut, a registered agent upon whom service of process may be made against the corporation.
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3.3 To improve the standard and appreciation of wrestling in the State of Connecticut for men, women, boys and girls by providing training in wrestling skills, organizing competitions and tournaments, offering instruction in coaching and officiating, providing equipment, conducting clinics, instructing children and parents in selection of proper equipment, and associating with wrestling associations and clubs in and outside the State of Connecticut.
3.4 To maintain and execute any and all rules, regulations, and guidelines established by the National Governing Body for Wrestling (USA Wrestling, Inc.) and the State of Connecticut so as to remain and to continue to be recognized as a nonprofit organization and a member of the recognized national Governing Body for Wrestling.
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4.3 Individual: Individual membership in the corporation shall be open to any individual engaged in competitive amateur wrestling.
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5.1 Composition: The Board of Directors shall be composed of the following:
5.1.1 The four officers of the corporation: the Chair, the Vice-Chair, the Secretary and the Treasurer.
5.1.2 The Division Directors of the Divisions specified at section 7.2.
5.1.3 One or more Club Representatives elected by the USAW-CT sanctioned clubs at the annual meeting. Each sanctioned club shall have one vote. The number of club representatives to be elected is equal to one representative for each 10 USAW-CT sanctioned Clubs or part thereof, based on the number of Clubs sanctioned as of the end of the prior fiscal year . Term of office is set at two (2) years, starting with their election in 1996.
5.2 Tenure: The term of each Board member shall coincide with their term as an Officer or Division Director of the Corporation, whichever is longer.
5.3 Meetings: The Board of Directors shall meet upon the call of the USAW-CT Chair, or upon the written request to the Chair and Secretary of not less than four members of the Board. Such meetings shall be held at such location and at such time as shall be specified in the notice of the meeting.
5.3.1 Annual Club Meeting: The Board of Directors will host an open meeting in August of each year with representatives of all USAW-CT sanctioned clubs and USAW-CT members interested in the business of USAW-CT. Nominations for Division Director and Club Representative positions that are about to expire, and Athlete Representative positions will be solicited from the clubs both prior to this annual clubs meeting and at this meeting, and elections to fill the expiring Division Director positions and expiring Club Representative positions will be conducted at this annual meeting. Each sanctioned USAW-CT club and each incumbent Board member shall have a single vote at this meeting.
5.3.2 Annual Meeting of the Board: The Board of Directors shall meet in the month of September each year for the purpose of electing Board officers and athlete representatives, reviewing the budget and divisional programs for the ensuing year, and any other such business as may come before the meeting.
5.3.3 Notice: Notices of meeting of the Board of Directors shall be in writing and mailed or otherwise transmitted to each member of the Board of Directors by the Secretary at least one week prior to the meeting.
5.5 Vacancies: If a Board member resigns or is otherwise unable to serve, his or her successor shall be promptly elected by the USAW-CT Board of Directors for the remainder of the original Board members term of office. Non-binding input about potential nominees shall be solicited from USAW-CT clubs prior to the election.
5.6 Action by writing or by Telecommunications: The Board of Directors may, in lieu of taking action at a meeting, act by written or modern telecommunications (fax, email, etc.) means. A quorum is required to take any action. Promptly after such a meeting, the secretary shall notify each Board member of any decisions made or actions taken.
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6.1 The officers of the corporation shall be a Chair, a Vice-Chair, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
6.2 Election of Officers: The officers of the corporation shall be elected by majority vote of the Board of Directors of the corporation. The officers must be members of the Board of Directors.
6.2.1 Chair and Secretary: The office of Chair and that of Secretary must be occupied by two different persons in accordance with Connecticut Law. The elections for the office of Chair and Secretary shall be every two years starting in 1996.
6.3 Qualifications: each individual nominated for an office during the election process must meet the qualification requirements for that particular office. Qualifications requirements are as follows:
6.3.1 Chair: Nominees for Chair must have been involved with USAW-CT activities for a minimum of five (5) consecutive years prior to nomination, must have held a previous office on the Board of Directors, or must have been a member of the Board of Directors for not less than two (2) years.
6.3.2 Vice-Chair: Nominees for Vice-Chair must have been involved with USAW-CT activities for a minimum of three (3) consecutive years prior to nomination, must have held a previous office on the Board of Directors, or must have been a member of the Board of Directors for not less than two (2) years.
6.3.3 Secretary: Nominees for Secretary must have been involved with USAW-CT activities for a minimum of two (2) consecutive years prior to nomination, must have held a previous office on the Board of Directors, or must have been a member of the Board of Directors for not less than one (1) year.
6.3.4 Treasurer: Nominees for Chair must have been involved with USAW-CT activities for a minimum of two (2) consecutive years prior to nomination, must have held a previous office on the Board of Directors, or must have been a member of the Board of Directors for not less than one (1) year.
6.4 Tenure: The officers of the corporation shall serve the following terms of office:
6.4.1 Chair: The Chair shall be elected in even years. The Chair shall serve a two year term beginning on September 1 of the year of election, and ending August 31 of the second succeeding year.
6.4.2 Vice-Chair: The Vice-Chair shall be elected in odd years. The Vice-Chair shall serve a two year term beginning on September 1 of the year of election, and ending August 31 of the second succeeding year.
6.4.3 Secretary: The Secretary shall be elected in even years. The Secretary shall serve a two year term beginning on September 1 of the year of election, and ending August 31 of the second succeeding year.
6.4.4 Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be elected in odd years. The Treasurer shall serve a two year term beginning on September 1 of the year of election, and ending August 31 of the second succeeding year.
6.5 Duties:
6.5.1 Chair: The Chair shall preside at all open and special meetings, and shall be the principal executive officer of the corporation. He or she shall oversee the execution of the Bylaws of the corporation and shall be responsible for carrying out the decisions of the USAW-CT Board of Directors. The Chair shall act as liaison between the Board of Directors of USAW-CT and the National Governing Body for Wrestling and with all other wrestling organizations. The Chair shall perform such other duties that may be assigned by the USAW-CT Board of Directors.
6.5.2 Vice-Chair: The Vice-Chair shall assist the Chair and shall serve the duties of the Chair in his or her absence. The Vice-Chair shall perform such other duties that may be assigned by the USAW-CT Board of Directors.
6.5.3 Secretary: The Secretary shall record the minutes of all USAW-CT meetings and shall routinely submit a copy of the minutes to every Officer, Director, and Club of USAW-CT, as well as to the National Governing Body for Wrestling. The Secretary shall assist the Chair with correspondence of the corporation and perform such other duties that may be assigned by the USAW-CT Board of Directors.
6.5.4 Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be the principal financial officer of the corporation. The Treasurer shall provide a financial summary at each meeting of the Board of Directors. Furthermore, he or she will prepare and submit a written financial statement annually to each officer and director of the corporation and at such other times as directed by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer is responsible for preparation of an annual budget for the Boards approval. The Treasurer shall also perform such other duties that may be assigned by the USAW-CT Board of Directors.
7.1 Purpose: USAW-CT shall establish divisions within itself to provide a better means of representing the needs of its members.
7.2 Divisions: The divisions recognized by the corporation are Kids, Cadets, Juniors, Open, Coaches, Officials, International, Membership, and Public Relations.
7.3 Division Directors: Each division shall have a Division Director who shall be the authority on division rules and regulations. Division Directors shall be elected at the annual membership meeting once their respective term is completed. Nominations will be solicited from incumbent Board members and from each USAW-CT sanctioned club prior to the meeting, although nominations will also be taken from the floor. Each USAW-CT sanctioned club and each incumbent board member will have a single vote during the elections. Proxy votes may not be used.
7.3.1 Duties: Division Directors shall supervise all activities which involve their particular division. Division Directors shall also make recommendations to the USAW-CT Board of Directors on matters which pertain to the development of the divisions programs to meet the needs of its participants.
7.3.2 Information: Division Directors shall proactively provide USAW-CT officers, Board of Directors, and clubs with materials and information, which pertain to the rules and regulations of that division, that he or she obtains from the National Governing Body for Wrestling.
7.3.3 Program: In September, each Division Director shall present to the Board of Directors a proposed program, including a proposed budget, for consideration by the Board of Directors.
7.3.4 Meeting Attendance: Each Division Director shall be the first person selected to represent USAW-CT at all regional and national meetings of the respective Division of the National Governing Body for Wrestling. In the event that the appropriate Division director cannot attend his or her meeting, the Board of Directors or its designate shall pick an alternate representative.
7.3.5 Member of Board of Directors: Each Division Director shall become a member of the Board of Directors of the corporation during his or her term as Division Director.
7.3.6 Qualifications for Athlete Division Directors: Nominees for Kid, Cadet, Junior, and Open Division Directors shall have been involved with USAW-CT activities of the respective division for a minimum of two years prior to nomination, and must be able to attend USAW-CT meetings.
7.3.7 Qualifications for Coaches Division Director: Nominee for Coaches Director shall have been involved with coaching of USAW-CT athletes for at least two years, and must be at least copper certified. Higher level certification is desirable. Nominee must be able to attend USAW-CT meetings.
7.3.8 Qualifications for Officials Division Director: The nominee must have been involved with USAW-CT activities for a minimum of two years prior to nomination, and must be able to attend USAW-CT meetings. Further, the nominee should be a current USA category II or higher ranking official or have worked as a mat official (folkstyle, freestyle, and/or greco roman) for at least two years. He or she should be able to attend one or more national events each year and the national convention of the US Wrestling officials Association at least once every three years.
7.3.10 Qualifications for Membership and Public Relations Directors : Nominees must have been involved with USAW-CT activities for a minimum of two years prior to nomination, and must be able to attend USAW-CT meetings.
7.5 Election of Division Directors: The Division Directors shall be elected by majority vote of the incumbent Board of Directors of the corporation and the USAW-CT sanctioned Clubs at the August Meeting, following the process described at 5.3.1.
7.5.1 Elections for Kids, Juniors, Coaches, International and Public Relations Directors shall be every two years starting in 1996.
7.5.2 Elections for Cadet, Open, Officials, and Membership Directors shall be every two years starting in 1997.
8.2 The Board of Directors shall be responsible for enforcing the rules and regulations of the National Governing Body for Wrestling, and those of USAW-CT.
8.3 The Board of Directors shall be empowered to purchase or otherwise acquire necessary equipment and dispose of or sell property not needed by the corporation.
8.4 The commitment of significant funds, borrowing of funds or the purchase of equipment on an installment basis requires a resolution of the Board of Directors.
8.5 The execution of a lease of property or other rental agreement requires a resolution of the Board of Directors.
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9.4.1 If voting by mail, a deadline of 14 days past the initial date of mailing of the ballots shall be the deadline for returning the ballots to the secretary. If the vote pertains to the Secretary, then the ballots shall be sent to the USAW-CT Chair. The results of the ballot shall be mailed to all members of the Board of Directors.
9.5 Replacement of an officer, Director or Board member who has been removed shall take place at a Board of Directors Meeting, and by the vote of the Board of Directors, as per the process described at 5.5. The successor shall be elected for the balance of the original members term of office. USAW-CT sanctioned clubs shall be contacted for non-binding input about potential replacements before the election.
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10.2 Appointment: The Board of Directors or the designee of the Board of Directors may appoint any USAW-CT member to a committee. The chair of the committee shall be appointed by the USAW-CT Chair.
10.3 Tenure: Terms of committee members shall be one year or less.
10.4 Conflicts and Other Duties: in the event of a claimed conflict in jurisdiction between two or more committees of the corporation, the Board of Directors shall be responsible for determining the responsibilities of the particular committees in question.
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16.2.2Hearing Board: The Hearing Board shall consist of the Chair and six members of the Board of Directors appointed by the Chair. A quorum of the Hearing Board shall consist of a majority of its members. Unless otherwise provided herein, all action to be taken by the Hearing Board shall be by a simple majority of those present and voting. No voting by proxy shall be permitted. Each Board member shall be entitled to one vote.
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